UPDATE! Part 1: 50 Free Virtual Cello Lessons

Part 1: 50 Free Virtual Cello Lessons

Through giving 50 free virtual cello lessons, I have met: an adult beginner who loves to enjoy the outdoors, seen pictures of plankton taken through a microscope, got my first look at Brunei, met an adult beginner in Italy, exchanged ideas with a cellist in California, and made new friends!

Virtual Cello Lessons with Cat

I was getting pretty anxious and depressed watching the country be so divided with COVID-19 and the US Election. Around this time, I posted that I would be giving away 50 free virtual cello lessons before the end of year to try to spread some kindness, connection and joy.

These lessons have truly filled my heart with so much joy! I have done about 17 of these lessons so far and am looking forward to more lessons and meeting new people through these virtual cello lessons!

Check out this awesome plankton pic from W who is part if a citizen scientist program in California!


Thank you - delightful time meet you ‘in person’ on zoom after watching some videos, again that Shoo connected me to.

After my lesson with you I practiced more, and am thrilled to finally feel like my bow hold is good! My thumb and wrist are happier!

And getter no more of the sense of expansion as I play! Very exciting!

And here’s an Asteramphalus plankton for you.

Many thanks again for your generosity Sasha. Wishing you all the best - W.”

Virtual Cello Lessons

One of my first lessons was with S.. who joined from Alaska on the day the election results were announced!! Aside from a fabulous cello lesson, we ended up having an extended wonderful conversation. S. and I are still in touch and are now in the LotusCMC Book Club together!

The other day, S. sent a stunning picture of a sunset she saw while in book club!

Yes, it was a complete treat to spend time with you Saturday morning (afternoon for you;-). I feel so validated and hopeful regarding my cello playing, again.

Thank you for your myriad insights, websites and information.

I’m digesting it all, little bits at a time...5 minutes at a moment...and combining my mental approach with my physical approach. So much good stuff! ~S.

virtual cello lessons

Some feedback from my virtual cello lessons!

Sasha was brilliant at understanding where I am as a cello player, and giving practical, effective suggestions, corrections and exercises to build the skills. Specifically, she was able to immediately address my issue with my bow hand. Her instructions were much the same as I’ve heard - but her observation and suggested slight adjustment in the tilt of my bow in my hand, enabled me to finally allow the weight of my arm to connect and control with the bow. And it relieved the pressure from my right thumb! After correcting my bow hold, Sasha gave me exercises to solidify my bowing skills. Besides being able to give good suggestions for ‘next steps’ in improving bowing, intonation and musicality, I really appreciate Sasha’s knowledge of kinesiology and priority on maintaining physical body health while playing cello. This is important to me as I started cello at age 60, and want to keep on playing for many more years! Thank you Sasha for an excellent lesson and for your generosity sharing your cello wisdom.

It is so amazing. With a few adjustments from Sasha, my tone has improved significantly and my bow hold has improved so much.

I am looking forward to catching up with the progress past students have made so far and to teaching more free virtual cello lessons!